… Time passed and, suddenly, we were… far away. Something had to change. So, we load a log of wood, settle in front of the fire and the warmth of that moment is always able to make us feel at home.

For a more
welcoming home

natural, low cost, ecological

STARWOOD is Klover’s wood-burning line, a natural and low cost material capable of providing high amounts of heat and recreating a timeless atmosphere where family and friends can get together.

The change you were looking for

Advantages of the STARWOOD line

Sense of family

Particularly suited to rustic and vintage styles, but also more modern homes. The vision of burning wood can create a cosy, romantic and unique atmosphere.

Low-cost solution

The cost of wood is 40% lower than pellets and is more stable across the year.

It saves you around 80% on your electricity bill, compared to using gas and electricity.

Lower running and maintenance costs.

Energy efficiency

Delivers high combustion capacities, with temperatures up to 800°. Heat is propagated for up to 4 hours after switching off.

Environmentally friendly

No fossil fuels required, meaning fewer harmful substances are released into the environment. Limited CO2 emissions.




KLOVER è un’azienda veneta specializzata, da oltre 30 anni, nella progettazione e produzione di stufe a pellet e legna. Tutti i nostri prodotti sono 100% Made in Italy e curati nel particolare.
Ci caratterizza un’ardente passione per “le cose fatte bene” che stimola l’azienda a studiare sempre nuove soluzioni nel segno del benessere e dell’ecosostenibilità.

Via A. Volta, 8 37047 San Bonifacio (VR)
CHIAMACI: +39 045 2235311
SCRIVICI: klover@klover.it
Showroom: +39 045 2235390
(su appuntamento)

Klover srl – © 2023. All rights reserved  |  Iscrizione al REA 231565 – Partita Iva 02324280235  |  Privacy – Cookie  |  Credits by Spherica


KLOVER is a Venetian company specialized in the design and manufacturing of pellet and wood stoves for over 30 years. All our products are 100% Made in Italy and crafted with attention to detail.
We are characterized by a burning passion for ‘doing things well,’ which drives the company to constantly explore new solutions in the pursuit of well-being and eco-sustainability.

Via A. Volta, 8 37047 San Bonifacio (VR)
CALL US: +39 045 2235311
WRITE TO US: klover@klover.it
Showroom: +39 045 2235390
(by appointment)

Klover srl – © 2023. All rights reserved  |  Registation number 231565 – VAT 02324280235  |  Privacy – Cookie  |  Credits by Spherica

Da famiglia a FAMIGLIA

Quando ci siamo conosciuti, passavamo ore a parlare di notte, accoccolati l’uno all’altro. Non ci importava quanto facesse freddo.

Poi, il tempo è passato, eravamo sempre impegnati, di fretta, troppo stanchi e, improvvisamente, eravamo… lontani.

Avevamo bisogno di cambiare qualcosa, di ritagliarci un po’ di tempo per essere più uniti.

Un luogo dove ritrovarci, raccontarci le nostre giornate e ridere insieme.

Ora, carichiamo un ceppo di legna, ci sediamo davanti il fuoco e il calore di quel momento è sempre in grado di farci sentire famiglia.

Le stufe Klover sono un prodotto sviluppato da una realtà familiare per le famiglie. La nostra storia inizia nei primi anni ’70, a San Bonifacio, dove la passione per il lavoro, la forte determinazione e la voglia di crescere, trasmessa di padre in figlio, ha trasformato quella che era una piccola azienda artigiana in un’evoluta realtà imprenditoriale.

From family to FAMILY

When we first met, we used to spend hours talking at night, cuddled up together. We didn’t care how cold it was.

Then, time passed, we were always busy, in a rush, too tired, and suddenly, we were… distant.

We needed to change something, to carve out some time to be closer.

A place to come together, to share our days, and laugh together.

Now, we load a log of wood, sit in front of the fire, and the warmth of that moment is always able to make us feel like a family.

Klover stoves are a product developed by a family for families. Our story began in the early ’70s, in San Bonifacio, where a passion for work, strong determination, and the desire to grow, passed from father to son, transformed what was a small artisanal company into a thriving entrepreneurial reality.